Our Recovery Process

Data Recovery Services – A Precise, Step-By-Step Approach
From the beginning, we have found that recovering lost data is best accomplished by approaching the loss in a step-by-step fashion. Discussion of the events leading up to the loss of data, and understanding how we approach the recovery process, is essential to a quick and successful data recovery project.

Our recovery process starts with a conversation about what happened, and what events occurred that led to the data loss. We listen carefully and ask questions about what steps were taken, including any previous efforts that were made to recover the data. Based on that discussion, our specialists can provide an estimated recovery cost, as well as make recommendations on how we can best proceed forward to retrieve your lost data.

Comprehensive Evaluation
The next step is an evaluation of the media. Once we receive the storage device in-house, we begin a thorough analysis in effort to detect anything that would impede normal functionality. Visual examination under magnification, as well as various component tests for things such as firmware corruption or PCB issues are performed. If any components (such as read/write heads) are damaged or non-functioning, our extensive inventory of tested components allows for quick replacement. The evaluation resumes until we reach a point where we can test and validate the integrity of random file samples.

Results & Authorization
When the analysis is completed, the results of our evaluation and any service options are outlined in our data recovery service proposal. This document, along with a firm cost quote for the recovery service, is emailed (or faxed) to the client for approval. Once we receive the acceptance and authorization to complete the recovery, the process continues forward.

Processing & Completion
We extract all data that physically resides on the device on a low-level, bit-by-bit basis. All structural repairs and sample file testing is done from the resulting images that are created. Lastly, the recovered data is scanned and cleansed of any viral and malware infections, and then written to the type of media that the client has requested. The completed project is then packaged and readied for delivery to the client.

Have Questions?
Give us a call to discuss your data loss, or fill out our short Information Request Form. We will outline the possible data recovery service options and the costs involved – all at no charge, and with absolutely no obligation.